Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Not only is that verse my husband's favorite, but it also applied rather well to us as we made 2 trips to Texas this summer, the first in June for a wedding, and the second in July for a family celebration. Although we were not facing enemies or having to fight our way into the land like Joshua was, knowing that God is constantly with us made for a much more peaceful and blessed trip. Before our second trip, I took my trusty Honda Odyssey to the dealer to get the oil changed and the tires rotated. The service manager informed me that my back tires were dangerously worn and needed to be replaced immediately and the car aligned to prevent further problems. We'd had a similar situation in Texas, having to replace tires with only 7,000 miles on them. This time, I was so glad the problem had been caught before we hit the road. I felt God's hand of protection on my family for sure!
So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Matthew 19:6
The first stop in our travels was San Antonio, TX for the wedding of Kimberly Ashlin Dill and Michael Joseph Ring. I had introduced Ashlin and Michael while Ashlin worked as a care provider for Will. Ashlin was in our home 30 hours a week, and she quickly became more than just an employee. One Sunday at a church function, I just felt led to introduce Mike (as we always called him) and Ashlin. It took her a while to warm up to him, but they soon realized they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Ashlin and Michael were both so fond of our children that they wanted them all to participate in the wedding, so with great joy we joined their families and friends as they joined their lives. I truly believe God brought these two together and I look forward to watching how God grows and uses them for His kingdom and His purposes.
The second stop on our first Texas tour was our farmhouse. The mailing address is Alleyton, but we're 6 miles from that town of a couple hundred people, and we're between the larger small towns of Columbus and Eagle Lake, where Chuck's parents live.
Emily and Will spent many hours splashing around in the pool from the Huffmans.
Erin had plenty of time on her laptop and Roger enjoyed games on his cell phone.
Hannah helped in the kitchen by chopping veggies;
any time she gets to use a big knife, she's a happy camper!
The third stop on our first Texas tour wasn't even in Texas! We left Hannah with Grams and Pappy so she could have some extra time in Texas (her favorite state, by far) and go to the church camp she's attended every summer since she was 8 years old. The rest of us went to New Orleans where Erin participated in the Crescent City Choral Festival. Chuck, who had flown home after the wedding, drove down and joined us for the weekend. I had booked a room at a "mystery hotel" through We found ourselves in a nice 4-star facility conveniently located downtown and within walking distance of the Aquarium and the French Quarter. Also at our hotel was the cast and crew of the remake movie "21 Jumpstreet", due out in August 2011. We met security guards and makeup artists but no actors.